
Esera10 Summer School

- Call for applications
- Refereeing procedure
- Pre Summer School

Programme (update 9 July 2010)
- Time Table
- Lectures
- Workshops
- Poster Session
- Working groups and Student's Synopsis


Student's abstract

How to reach Udine

Reaching the Summer School
Map of the SummerSchool
Logistic informations

Useful info
A walk through Udine
Udine Surroundings


Secretariat of the ESERA Summer School 2010, CIRD
University of Udine
via delle Scienze 206, 33100 UDINE, Italy
Tel. 0039 0432 558211 Fax 0039 0432 558230
e-mail: esera10@uniud.it


ESERA Summer School 2010, Udine