Udine is located in north-eastern Italy. It can be reached by car (motorways A4/E70 and A23/E55), by train or by plane.
Coming by car
If you come by car, take the highway A23 and then take the exit "Udine Nord" or "Udine Sud" (depending on the direction you're coming). Once out the highway, follow the indications to Udine along a free highway called "tangenziale ovest". Then take the exit to the stadium or to the hospital; these are the easiest ways to reach the city center.
Coming by train
Udine is connected by train to Venice and Wien.
To check timetables and train categories, visit the Web site of the Italian Railways. The Website of the German railways is also useful. Remember to stamp your ticket before taking the train!
Coming by plane
There are two main airports close to Udine: Venezia (Marco Polo airport) and Trieste (Ronchi dei Legionari airport).
The Venice airport
The Venice "Marco Polo" airport (IATA code VCE) is served by all major airlines.From Venice airport you can reach Udine by train. First, you have to go the rail station nearby (called MESTRE).There are convenient bus services to the MESTRE railway station (becareful to take the bus to MESTRE, not to Venice).
Two companies provide the service:
ATVO (blu buses, more comfortable), at variable intervals (every 20-50 minutes). Tickets: ATVO box in the arrivals hall. Journey time: 20 minutes approx.
ACTV (orange buses, less comfortable): line No. 15, every 30 minutes (every 60 min on Sundays). Tickets: inside the arrivals hall. Journey time: 35 minutes approx.
From Mestre railway station, trains run to Udine almost every hour.
The journey takes about 90-100 minutes, depending on the train.
The price of the ticket varies slightly depending on the category of the train (trains in the ES-Eurostar and EC/IC-Intercity category cost more than trains in the IR and R categories, but the latter are slower). In cheaper trains, a second class ticket costs about 7 euro; in ES trains, about 16 euro including reservation (reservation in ES trains is compulsory).
To check timetables and train categories, visit the Web site of the Italian Railways.
Remember to stamp your ticket in the yellow machines before taking the train!
For more information on Venice airport: http://www.veniceairport.it/.
The Trieste airport
The nearest airport to Udine is the Trieste airport (IATA code TRS), also called "Aeroporto del Friuli-Venezia Giulia" or "Aeroporto di Ronchi dei Legionari".
It is served by some international airlines and has direct connections with the hubs of Milan, Munich, Rome.
There are direct bus links from the airport to Udine: a bus operated by the APT (bus no. 51) will take you to Udine railway station or to Piazza I Maggio. You can get timetables here ('Orari'=timetables; they are marked: f=feriale, workdays; Fe=festivo, on sundays and public holidays; G= giornaliero, every day)
You can check bus and airplanes schedules at the airport Web site.
The Railway Station of Monfalcone is located some 5 kilometres from the airport and can be reached by Local Transport service APT Bus 10, running every 20/25 minutes on workdays, every 40 min on Sundays, or by taxi. From Monfalcone to Udine, 45-60 min by train; the ticket, second class, costs about 3 euro. iR trains are a little faster than R trains. The station "Ronchi dei Legionari Nord" is even closer to the airport, but only R trains stop there.
The Treviso airport
There is also a smaller airport in Treviso, also known as Venice-Treviso.
To reach Udine from the Treviso airport take the bus no. 6 to Treviso railway station, from there by train to Udine.