Marisa Michelini, FFP12 Symposium Chair |
Douglas Dean Osheroff |
Full Paper |
Two-dimensional anharmonic crystal lattices: solitons, solectrons and electric conduction
Manuel G Velarde, Instituto Pluridisciplinar, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain |
GT1 |
Facing complexity
Francesco Guerra, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
GT2 |
On Strings and Higher Spins
Augusto Sagnotti, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy |
GT3 |
Axion electrodynamics in condensed matter:Magnetoelectric materials
Raffaele Resta, University of Trieste, Italy |
GT4 |
Generating the mass of particles from Extended Theories of Gravity
Salvatore Capozziello, Universita' di Napoli "Federico II", Italy |
GT5 |
Highlights of the Tevatron program
Giorgio Bellettini, INFN, University of Pisa, Italy |
GT6 |
Enrico Fermi and Ettore Majorana : so strong, so different
Nadia Robotti, University of Genoa, Italy |
GT7 |
Recent results from the Opera experiment
Stefano Dusini, INFN, Padova, Italy |
GT8 |
Physics Teachers' Education: problems and challenges
Elena Sassi, Universita di Napoli "Federico II", Italy |
GT9 |
2. Astronomy and Astrophysics |
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Simulation of high energy emission from gamma-ray bursts
Houri Ziaeepour, Max-Planck Institut fur extraterrestrische Physic, Garching, Germany |
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Effects of Modified Dispersion Relations and Noncommutative Geometry on the Cosmological
constant Computation
Remo Garattini, University of Bergamo, Italy |
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MAGIC view of Active Galactic Nuclei
Nijil Mankuzhiyil, University of Udine, Italy |
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Testing the nature of astrophysical black hole candidates
Cosimo Bambi, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat, Munich, Germany |
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Measurement of electron-positron flux in cosmic rays with MAGIC telescope
Luigi Cossio, University of Udine, Italy |
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Retrieving cosmological signal using velocity fields
Vincent Bouillot, Laboratory Universe and Theory (LUTH), Meudon, France |
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MAGIC observations of 1ES 0033+595
Michele Palatiello, Nijil Mankuzhiyil, University of Udine, Italy |
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New strength to Planck's length choice
Giuseppe Fazio, Mauro Giaconi, Davide Quatrini, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy |
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3.Particle Physics and High Energy Physics |
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Results from the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
Antonio Sidoti, INFN, Rome, Italy |
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Linear perturbations in coupled dark energy models
Vincent Bouillot, Laboratory Universe and Theory (LUTH), Meudon, France |
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SUSY results at the LHC with the ATLAS Detector
Simone Brazzale, University of Udine, Italy |
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4.Gravitation and Cosmology |
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Motion of Particles and self-force in general relativity
Alessandro D.A.M Spallicci di Filottrano , Universite d Orleans - Observatoire
des Sciences de l'Univers, France |
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Dark Energy from Curvature and Ordinary Matter Fitting Ehlers-Pirani-Schild:
Foundational Hypotesis
Mariafelicia De Laurentis, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Lorenzo Fatibene, University of Torino
Mauro Francaviglia University of Torino |
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The Palatini Approach Beyond Einstein's Gravity
Gonzalo J Olmo, University of Valencia and IFIC-CSIC, Valencia, Spain |
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Extended gravity from noncommutativity
Paolo Aschieri, University of Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli, Italy |
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Gravitomagnetism and light: G-GranSasso, a proposed experiment to be performed locally on Earth
Angelo Tartaglia, Polytechnic University of Turin and INFN-Turin, Italy |
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Quantum Gravity: A Heretical Vision
John Stachel, Boston University, USA |
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From clock synchronization to dark matter as a relativistic inertial effect
Luca Lusanna, INFN-Florence, Italy |
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Experimental tests of quantum mechanics: Pauli Exclusion Principle and spontaneous collapse models
Catalina Curceanu, LNF-INFN, Frascati, Italy |
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Noncommutative Einstein Spaces and TQFT
Stapan Moskaliuk, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine |
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CMBR anisotropy computations using Hydra Code with baryons
Marius Josep Fullana i Alfonso, Josep Vicent Arnau i Cordoba, Diego Pascual
Saez Milan, University of Valencia, Spain
Robert J. Thacker, Saint Mary's University, Canada
Hugh M. P. Couchman, McMaster University, Canada
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Gravitational model of the three elements theory
Frederic Lassiaille, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France |
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Unimodular Conformal and Projective Relativity
Kaca Bradonjic, John Stachel, Boston University, USA |
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5.Condensed Matter Physics |
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Shedding light on graphene using x-rays
Alessandro Baraldi, University of Trieste, Italy |
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Pathways of Fast Charge Transfer across a Metal/Molecule Interface measured by Resonant Photoemissio
Dean Cvetko, Ljubljana University, Slovenia |
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A simple density-functional-based perspective on correlated materials
Vincenzo Fiorentini, G.Kladnik, A.Cossaro, A.verdini, L.Floreano, A.Morgante , University of Cagliari, Italy |
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Bound states of the Fe impurity in wurtzite GaN from hybrid density-functional calculations
Paola Alippi, Vincenzo Fiorentini, University of Cagliari and CNR-IOM,Italy |
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Universality of Change Transport across Disordered Nanometer-Think Oxide Films
Mikhail Belogolovskii, Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering, Ukraine
Vincenzo Lacquaniti, National Institute of Metrological Research, Turin, Italy |
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Polaronic localization and the insulating character of doped Pr manganite
Vincenzo Fiorentini, Alessio Filippetti, University of Cagliari and CNRIOM, Italy |
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Doping routes to multiferroicity in a topological ferroelectric
Vincenzo Fiorentini, Marco Scarrozza, Giorgia Maria Lopez, University of Cagliari and CNR-IOM, Italy |
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Cuprate-like Fermi surface and metal-"insulator" transition in nichelate superlattices
Vincenzo Fiorentini, Danilo Puggioni, Alessio Filippetti, University of Cagliari and CNRIOM, Italy |
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6.Statistical Physics |
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Pursuit and Evasion with Temporal Non-locality and Stochasticity
Toru Ohira, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan |
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Simple Graph Models of Ecosystem
Takashi Shamida, University of Tokyo, Japan |
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7.Theoretical Physics |
Full Paper |
Behaviour at Ultra High Energies
Sidharth G Burra, B.M. Birla Science Center, India |
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Quantum-Classical Hybrid Dynamics
Hans-thomas Elze, University of Pisa, Italy |
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Toward ghost imaging with cosmic ray muons
Milena D Angelo,, Francesco Di Lena, Augusto Garuccio, University of Bari and INFN B ari Italy |
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The matrix model approach to gauge theory and gravity,
Harold Steinacker, University of Vienna, Austria |
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The Dark Energy Universe
Sidharth G Burra, B.M. Birla Science Center, India |
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New aspects of collective phenomena at
nanoscales in quantum plasmas
Padma Kant Shukla, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany
B. Eliasson Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany
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Can string theory resolve spacetime singularities
Martin O'Loughlin, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia |
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Fuzzy space-time topology and gauge fields
Sergey Mayurbov, Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia |
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On fluid Maxwell equations
Tsotomu kambe, University of Tokyo, Japan |
O |
From geometric to wave electron optics: the quantumlike theory of
coherent effects in charged-particle beam dynamics
Renato Fedele, University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
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Dark energy condensate and vaccum energy
Houri Ziaeepour, Max-Planck Institut fur extraterrestrische Physic, Garching,Germany |
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General Relativistic Quantum Theories. Foundations, the Leptons Masses
Claudio Parmeggiani, University of Milan, Italy |
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Quantum relativistic mechanics from the intrinsically cyclic nature of elementary systems
Donatello Dolce, CoEPP, The University of Melbourne, Australia |
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Quantumlike aspects of the orbital angular momentum effects of a
relativistic charged particle beam in strongly magnetized overdense plasmas
Fatema Tanjia, Renato Fedele, University of Naples Federico II and INFN-Naples, Italy
Sergio De Nicola, INO-CNR, Pozzuoli, Italy
Padma K. Shukla, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Dusan Jovanovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
O |
Numerical studies of the femtosecond laser pulse propagation in the PLASMON-X wakefield accelerator
Dusan Jovanovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Renato Fedele,Fatema Tanjia, University of Naples Federico II and INFN-Naples, Italy
Sergio De Nicola, INO-CNR, Pozzuoli, Italy
O |
Direction of time from the violation og time reversal invariance
Joan A. Vaccaro, Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University, Australia
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Study of Stability Matter Problem in Micropolar Generalized Thermoelastic
Arminder Kounsil, Punjab Technical University, Jallandhar, India
Gurpinder Singh Samra, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India
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8.Mathematical Physics |
Full Paper |
Relativistic classical and quantum mechanics: clock synchronization and bound states,
center of mass and particle worldlines, localization problems, entanglement
Lusa Lusanna, INFN-Florence, Italy
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A new computational approach to infinity for modelling physical phenomena
Yaroslav Sergeyev, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
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Quantum Isometries in the Standard Model
Ludwik Dabrowski, SISSA Trieste, Italy
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Gauge theories and noncommutative geometry
Giovanni Landi, University of Trieste, Italy
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The Hyperbolic Octonion Model for the Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism
Suleyman Demir, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey
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9.Computational Physics |
Full Paper |
Seismic hazard assessment: parametric studies on grid infrastructures
Andrea Magrin, Franco Vaccari, Giuliano Panza, Cristina La Mura, University of Trieste, Italy
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10.Physics Teaching/Learning and Teachers Formation |
Full Paper |
Designing learning scenarios for a 3D virtual environment: the case of special relativity
Cecile de Hosson, Etienne Parizot, Universite Paris Diderot-Paris 7, France
Tony Doat, Jean-Marc Vezien, LMSI / CNRS-Universite Paris 11, France
Isabelle Kermen, Universite d Artois, Arras, France
I |
Stories in physics education
Federico Corni, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
I |
The contribution from Physics Education Research to designing teaching sequences
Jenero Guisasola, University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain
I |
Quantum theory in teacher education
Gesche Pospiech, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
I |
Using a sociocultural approach in teaching Astronomy concepts with children of Primary School
Rocco Servidio, Marcella Giulia Lorenzi, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Mauro Francaviglia, University of Turin, Italy
O |
Dynamic modelling with MLE-Energy dynamic for primary school
Enrico Giliberti, Cristina Mariani, Federico Corni, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
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The story format and the cycle of meaning construction for physics education in Primary Schools
Cristina Mariani, Federico Corni, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy
O |
Teaching Modern Physics for future Physics teachers
Eloneid Felipe Nobre, Nidia Barone, Rafaelli Monteiro, Maria De Fatima Silva e Souza,
Virtual Institute of Federal University of Ceara, Brazil
Ronaldo Oliveira, Daniel Freitas, Marcus Vinicius Lopes, Francisco Alexandre Feitosa, Mucio Campos,
Federal University of Ceara, Brazil
O |
An alternative approach to canonical quantization for introducing Quantum Field Theory:
The double-slit experiment re-examined
Eugenio Bertozzi, Olivia Levrini, University of Bologna, Italy
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Basic concept of Superconductivity: a path for high school
Alberto Stefanel, Marisa Michelini,
University of Udine, Italy
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An experimental approach of nodes towards the electric potential for students and Teachers
The double-slit experiment re-examined
Alessandra Mossenta, Marisa Michelini, University of Udine, Italy
O |
From heuristics to humble theories in physics education: the
case of modelling personal appropriation of thermodynamics in naturalistic settings
Olivia Levrini, Giulia Tasquier, Barbara Pecori, University of Bologna, Italy
Paola Fantini, Liceo Scientifico A. Einstein, Rimini; PhD School, University of Bergamo, Italy
O |
Theory vs. Experiment: the Case of the Positron
Matteo Leone, University of Genoa, Italy
O |
Knowledge portals and e-learning in physics education
Sri Prasad Challapalli, Marisa Michelini, University of Udine, Italy
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An experimental approach of Knots towards the electromagnetism
Stefano Vercellati, Marisa Michelini, University of Udine, Italy
O |
Mass from classical to relativistic context: a proposal of conceptual
unification experimented in the IDIFO3 summer school
Emanuele Pugliese, Lorenzo Santi, University of Udine, Italy
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Theories as crucial aspects in quantum physics education
Marco Giliberti, University of Milan, Italy
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Facebook as a tool for innovative teaching and learning
Manuela Farinosi, Leopoldina Fortunati, University of Udine, Italy
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Remote Control Laboratories in Physics Education
Sri Prasad Challapalli, Giuseppe Fera, Marisa Michelini, Alessandra Mossenta, Emanuele Pugliese,
Lorenzo Santi, Alberto Stefanel, Stefano Vercellati, University of Udine, Italy
O |
An interference/diffraction experiment for undergraduates
Milena D Angelo, Fabio Cunden, Augusto Garuccio, Francesco Fracchiolla,Nicola Minafra,
University of Bari and INFN-Bari, Italy
O |
Disciplinary knots and learning problems in waves physics
Vera Montalbano, Simone Di Renzone, University of Siena, Italy
O |
Historical photos as a context for studying magnetic force:
particle tracks in a cloud and a streamer chambers
Pasquale Onorato, Anna De Ambrosis,
University of Pavia, Italy
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Active Learning by Innovation in Teaching (ALIT)
Dina Izadi, Ariaian Young Innovative Minds Institute (AYIMI), Tehran, Iran
Marina Milner-Bolotin, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
O |
Capacitors, tanks, springs and the like: A multimedia tutorial
Assunta Bonanno, Michele Camarca, Peppino Sapia,
University of Calabria, Italy
O |
The study of energy exchange by thermal radiation: hints and suggestions for an Inquiry Based lab approach
Nicola Pizzolato, Onofrio Rosario Battaglia, Claudio Fazio, Rosa Maria, Sperandeo-Mineo,
University of Palermo, Italy
O |
Investigating Teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge Of Scientific Inquiry
Claudio Fazio, Giovanni Tarantino, Rosa M. Sperandeo Mineo,
University of Palermo, Italy
O |
Learning knots on electrical conduction in metals
Giuseppe Fera, Marisa Michelini,
University of Udine, Italy
P |
Lifelong physics
Jerzy Jarosz, Aneta Szczygielska, Stefania Widuch University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
P |
Measures of radioactivity: a tool for understanding statistical data analysis
Vera Montalbano,
University of Siena, Italy
P |
Active and cooperative learning paths in the Pigelleto's Summer School of Physics
Vera Montalbano, Roberto Benedetti, Emilio Mariotti, University of Siena, Italy
Antonella Porri, Liceo Scientifico Francesco Redi, Arezzo, Italy
P |
The challenge of contemporary society on science education
Barbara Pecori
University of Bologna, Italy
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Magnetic field as a pseudovector entity in physics education
Lorenzo Santi, Marisa Michelini, Alessandra Mossenta, Stefano Vercellati, Alberto Stefanel,
Carlo Luciano Cecchini, University of Udine, Italy
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The Two-capacitor problem: a new quantitative outlook
Peppino Sapia
University of Calabria. Italy
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Modeling Concept Learning in Physics
Clemens Wagner ETH Zurich, Switzerland
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11.Popularization of Physics |
Full Paper |
Positioning and relativity: what has General Relativity to do
with the search for a path on Earth or in space?
Angelo Tartaglia
Polytechnic University of Turin and INFN-Turin, Italy
I |
To communicate the Invisible in the era of Images
Vincenzo Napolano ,Romeo Bassoli INFN-Rome, Italy
I |
New aspects of Science Popularization: The citizen-science projects best practices
Franco Romano
University of Bari and INFN-Bari, Italy
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An invitation to physics not only for gifted pupils
Stanislav Zelenda Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
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On INFN 2010 physics popularization school - Video report
Santo Reito
INFN-Catania, Italy
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Popularization of Physics in the Wild
Beatrice Boccardi, Michela Fragona, Giovanna Parolini Esplica no-profit, Italy
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