Scientific Context
For nearly fifteen years, the International Symposium Series, FRONTIERS OF FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS has attracted some of the greatest Physicists in the world as also several other Physicists.
The main objective of the symposia:
The broad objective of the series has been to enable eminent scholars and researchers working in slightly different areas to meet on a single platform and exchange ideas and status reports and even dissenting views.
- TOPICS (related but not limited to):
- Astronomy and Astro Physics
- Particle Physics and high energy physics
- Gravitation and Cosmology
- Condensed matter physics
- Statistical physics and other Sciences
- Theoretical Physics
- Mathematical physics
- Computational Physics and related areas
- Physics Education Research and innovation in physics teaching / learning
- Education and Teacher Formation in modern physics
- Popularisation of Physics
The Symposia have been held in India, Italy, Spain, Canada, Australia and France.
The eminent Physicists who have delivered Special Lectures over the years, sometimes more than once, have included the likes of Nobel Laureates, Professors G.'t Hooft, S. Chu, Charles Townes, Klaus von Klitzing, Pierre de Gennes, Douglas D Osheroff, Sir Harry Kroto, Sir Tony Leggett as also very eminent physicists like Prof. Yuval Ne'eman, Prof.J.Pati, Prof.Ashok Sen and so on as also several other prominent scholars. There have also been contributed papers and posters. The Proceedings of almost all the symposia in the series have been published by the Universities Press (Orient Longman), Kluwer Academic, Springer and the American Institute of Physics. Increasingly over the years, sessions involving students and Physics teaching have also been included as in this case. Physicists from India and other Asian countries including the Middle East, Europe, Russia, the US, South America and elsewhere have presented papers.
TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (FFP12)